Fifth Step Meetings

The Twelve Steps program for recovery from drug or alcohol addiction has helped so many achieve lasting recovery from active addiction.  The Fifth Step is part of this:

  • The Fourth Step. We “made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.”

  • The Fifth Step. We “admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.”

Over three decades, Fr Matthew has worked with countless men and women undertaking their Fifth Step, and is prepared to meet with you too, once your Fourth Step is complete.  He offers a safe and confidential environment and a non-judgmental hearing, in support of your work in recovery.

If you are female and prefer to do your Fifth Step with another female, Deacon Joyce Locht offers the same confidential and non-judgmental hearing.

God our Creator is all about new beginnings and life in its fullness.  If you are “working the steps,” and seek someone to hear your Fifth Step, give us a call or drop us an email (see “Contact Us”).