What We Do

 In 2003, St James Church deployed an Anglican priest part time for pastoral work on the streets of the Downtown Eastside.  In 2004, St James, the Diocese of New Westminster, and Community Sponsors began the Street Outreach Initiative.  Since that time, the street priest has gained a multidisciplinary team, whose competence and expertise combine in delivering whole-spectrum pastoral and sacramental care that meets the special needs of this community.

Together, the Street Outreach Priest and his Team offer a point of contact for street-involved adults who might not otherwise enter the doors of a church, but who still have spiritual needs, questions, or interests.  This apostolate brings the church’s pastoral and sacramental care into the community in different ways.  Reaching out to our neighbours, through listening and accompaniment, pastoral and sacramental care, counsel and workshops, resources and referrals, and in caring for individuals at death.  This takes place on the streets, at gathering places, in residences, at hospitals, and at our parish home—St James Church.