Funeral and Memorial Services

The death of a family member or a loved one often can leave us overwhelmed by grief and sorrow. 

The grieving process is inevitably helped by gathering with others who knew the person, to offer thanks to God for their life.  This is often the only opportunity people have to say parting words or a goodbye for a loved one who has died.

Our Street Outreach is rooted in the life of St James Anglican Church where by arrangement, we can offer a service—a Funeral or Requiem Mass—of remembrance, prayer, and thanksgiving. 

For small gatherings, we sometimes do this at our Wednesday Noon Mass.  You are invited to be in touch to discuss this (see “Contact Info”).

We can and do also visit supportive housing Residences and Shelters, to offer Memorial Services onsite with fellow residents.

Please note that we generally require advance notice, seven (7) or more days prior to any proposed service, as we have other commitments, and must book the space.