Eucharist / Holy Communion

Christians are always “on the way,” in our lives and in our relationship with God.  At the Holy Eucharist—known also as “the Mass” or “Holy Communion” or “the Lord’s Supper”—we find strength in face of life’s challenges. 

At the Eucharist, Christians remember that Jesus loved our world so passionately, that he sacrificed his own life, to reveal God’s love to all people.  In a holy paradox, Jesus’ sacrifice brings us forgiveness of sins.

On his final night with his friends, Jesus blessed and broke bread and shared wine, with the instruction, “do this in remembrance of me.” 

At Holy Mass we do just that, recalling Jesus’ self-offering and sacrifice, his death, and his resurrection.  We then partake of the bread and the wine, which through the mystery of the Eucharist, have become his Body and his Blood. 

Jesus nourishes and strengthens us to face the challenges of daily life and of our larger life-journey.  Each time we receive Holy Communion, we go deeper and deeper into the Mystery of salvation and transformation.

All are welcome to participate in this life-giving Mystery at St James Church.  Our current Mass Schedule:

·      Sundays at 10:30 am  (a larger Service with music and choir).

·      Mondays at 12 noon

·      Tuesdays at 9:30am

·      Wednesdays 12 noon

·      Thursdays at 9:30 am

·      Fridays at 12 noon

·      Saturdays at 4pm



